Children's Training Centre (CTC)

Pastor Guy Rozario

Pastor Guy Rozario was in the Malaysian music scene since the early 80’s. After a near-death experience and conversion, he has steadfastly served the Lord in many churches, including, Full Gospel Assembly. He obtained his Bachelor of Theology from Portland Bible Seminary, US. He is an accomplished singer, and his album, “Orphans & Widows”, remain an inspiration to many.

Pastor Malcolm Atkinson

Pastor Malcolm Atkinson has been serving the body of Christ as pastor in Community Baptist church. A man enamored with the gospel of Christ, singing is another platform he employs to deliver the gospel of God’s grace in Christ.

Ruth Education Center

Ruth Education Center (REC) was founded as an informal charitable body on 1st July, 2011. REC is officially registered with UNHCR (Malaysia) with the express purpose of providing free higher education to Myanmar refugee youths aged 13 to 18 years. Pastor Michael Moey, founder and principal of REC, was approached by a refugee leader to set up the school. REC has a team of qualified, experienced, and voluntary instructors. None of the instructors are paid by the centre and each of their services is an act of love and compassion. REC is a residential centre with six dormitories where students live in from Monday to Saturday.

Firdaus Hakimi (FuZe)

Our Beatbox exponent is Firdaus Hakimi (FuZe), Co-Owner / Creative Producer / Director at Aquanix, Chief Operations Officer at Gramixx Group and Beatbox Enthusiast at Beatnation. He studied Multimedia at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia City Campus. Attended from 2012 to 2016. FuZe lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and hails from Kuala Terengganu.