A Word from the Principal

It’s a huge honor to be appointed and commissioned as principal of Children’s Training Center (CTC) since March and May this year, respectively. 

What a privilege to mould young lives after the raison d’etre of CTC itself, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. In Luke 2:52, the divinely inspired gospel writer wrote, “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and found favor with God and man”.

What a high and lofty ideal and standard to work up to! 

CTC was birth through the gospel of Jesus Christ. And the gospel contains all the resources required to provide a quality education to marginalized communities, duly empowering them to take their place in building a just, equitable and compassionate society. 

My aim as principal is to support and nurture an educational ecosystem founded upon truth and grace. This foundation fuels our future. CTC aims for nothing less than excellence in every aspect of education. Not merely educating the cognitions of our teaching staff and students, but their whole persons. 

And all to the glory of God and Jesus Christ our Savior, and the betterment of all people. 

Franklin Morais

May, 2022

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